Operation Christmas Child 2022

“The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to show God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world”- Samaritans-Purse

Operation Christmas Child is an outreach we’ve taken part in for over 10years in conjunction with Samaritans purse [https://www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/. As part of the operation, we pack shoeboxes with different items ranging from educational materials, hygiene items, toys, accessories and more, according to different age groups. These boxes are sent to children in need round the world.  Over the years, we’ve seen where our boxes have gone to, we’ve seen hope come alive in children, faces are lit up as children unpack their gift boxes, lives are impacted and transformed as they are introduced to Jesus.

This year, we aim to pack more boxes.

To donate to the Christmas shoebox appeal, please use the details below:

Account Details: RCCG Love Assembly

Account Number: 21045240

Sort Code: 60-05-25

Kindly Reference: Christmas Child

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